Our heroes wear badges not capes.  image

Our heroes wear badges not capes.

Give monthly to power her ambition. Invest in girls and change the world.


Our heroes wear badges not capes—give monthly to power her ambition.

If you think one Girl Scout can make an impact—just wait until you see what 10,000 can do. Giving monthly to Girl Scouts secures your spot as a champion of girl ambition. Giving monthly is not only easy but allows every girl to put on her vest and become a Girl Scout. She can learn how to code, climb a mountain, start her own business, and even change a tire—all because of your support.

Why Give Monthly?

Give with Ease.
Monthly donations make giving easy! Donations are automatic, so no need to worry about reminders. You can sit back, relax, and watch your donations become lifelong memories for Girl Scouts.

Long-Term Impact. Your monthly donation allows us to look toward the future and make plans that will directly impact girls for years to come. By giving monthly, you work side-by-side with us, making long-lasting improvements to the Girl Scout experience.

Connect with the Community. The Girl Scout community is made up of volunteers, current Girl Scouts, alums, supporters, and more! Your monthly support signs you up for a lifelong community that will support you in return.

Ready to be her champion?

Support. $5 per month provides a girl from a low income family with a Girl Scout uniform, so she can show the world what she has accomplished.

Sustain. $10 per month helps support community service projects undertaken by Girl Scout troops, allowing girls to make a positive impact in their communities.

Power. $25 per month provides a Girl Scout membership for one girl, allowing her to incorporate our four program pillars into her everyday life: STEM, outdoor skills, entrepreneurship, and life skills.

Strengthen. $50 per month supplies high quality, intensive outdoor safety training to 5 volunteers each year.

Invest. $100 per month funds an improvement project at one of our four program properties, making camp a safe and an enjoyable space for both girls and volunteers.

Your support proves that she’s not the only one making the world a better place—it means you already did.